STK Meeting 2003 was held at Nestlé Research Centre Vers-chez-les-Blanc Lausanne, Switzerland on November 5, 2003 with the following topics:Thermal analysis, calorimetry, related and coupled techniques applied to foods, biopolymers, polymers and pharmaceutical.
Lectures - Food session
Heribert Watzke, NRC, Lausanne (CH)
The role of Food Science at NRC
Lectures - Food and Pharma Session
Prof. Perla Relkin, ENSIA, Massy (F)
Fat crystallization in ice-cream mix models, as affected by adsorbed protein layers: a DSC study
Lectures - Biopolymers and Polymers Session
Lectures - Related Techniques Session
- Perkin Elmer
- Mettler-Toledo
- Setaram
- Thermometric AB (Witec)
- THASS (Tracomme AG)